Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

Wicked Waterways 
The time for golf is nearing and I thought we might as well start the blog off right with a picture of an epic failure on course. Here you are viewing the nice sight where the damn that keeps the river at an aesthetically acceptable height has now froze. So this weekend that we had temps up in the 50's created a lake on hole 10 from the creek to the main drainage ditch. The water was so fierce that the outlet of the water has eroded a three foot trench perpendicular to the main path to get to the green and next tee. I had the choice of digging in freezing water or let nature take it's course with our mid 60's temps today. I chose to let nature do the hard work.

     In the two pictures above you can see the thawed dam boxes that can control the height of each section of the drainage ditch. It's a solid theory in the summer, but when we already had two feet of ice it creates a back log of water pretty fast. Two of the three boxes are wide open but the last one that controls drainage from 10 approach and its drainage ditch is full of ice, and is restricting flow creating a huge lake. So hopefully with some dam luck we should see the issue fix itself in the next couple days. As for the cart path you might see a little better setup after it's fixed.

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